Congratulations, Stephanie!!!!! Over the past two and a half years, it has been an absolute pleasure watching Stephanie reach her health and fitness goals at Croga through hard work and consistency. However, I’ve actually enjoyed watching her learn, grow and evolve emotionally and intellectually over that time by dedicating herself to living a long, healthy life and helping others do the same.There are a lot of people that try diets and workouts with goals of losing a few pounds and feeling good, but very few of them take the next step and read about how diet affects brain function, become certified nutrition coaches and start helping other people that are interested in being successful reach their goals like Stephanie has.I’m super proud of you, Stephanie, and I am very excited to see what else you accomplish in the near future and beyond. Your curiosity, thirst for knowledge and willingness to get uncomfortable in order to learn and evolve will take you a long way!
When did you join Cróga?
April 2018
What were you doing before for fitness?
Going to a regular gym to lift weights/running slowly LOL /coaching soccer.
What was your first workout?
First reaction to your first workout? Heavy Front squats and burpee box jump finisher. I was really happy to be getting into something I knew I could improve over time. Getting under a barbell felt great and I hated the burpee box jumps because my mobility was awful at the time!
What improvements have you seen in the way you look, feel and perform?
I have been able to lift heavier (deadlift,squat/clean) than I ever thought imaginable and improve my technique through the process. I feel great and have improved my body confidence through consistent attendance and good nutrition!
What days and times do you come to Cróga?
I go as many days as my schedule allows, mostly weekdays 4:30 or 5:30 pm, sometimes I sneak in a weekend workout so i can see Dahveeee
What’s your favorite WOD?
My favorite WOD is anything with running/situps or deadlifts.
What’s your least favorite WOD?
My least favorite WOD is anything that has THRUSTERS or overhead squats! I will WOD pick to not do thrusters any day.
“The Steph” WOD! What would it be?
5 rounds – 400 m run, 10 deadlifts, 25 situps
What’s your favorite post-workout routine?
Catching my breath/trying not to die.. but usually I just like to stay around the gym and catch up with all the familiar faces, see how they did on the workout and celebrate that we all mutually struggled together.
What’s been your favorite culinary discovery since joining Cróga?
That I can make anything I want and enjoy it with flexible dieting, and macro tracking. If I had to narrow it down to one dish it would be my casein mug cakes that I make for dessert every night. 1 scoop of Driven Chocolate Casein, a little baking powder, peanut butter powder, and coca, put it in the microwave for 40 seconds and top with 1TB of peanut butter! It is like having a brownie every night, so good!
What’s your biggest fitness goal for this year?
Starting this year I wanted to drop some LBs but after I accomplished that my main focus/goal has been to maintain my fitness routine through COVID times. Fitness is such a stress reliever and outlet to me, and keeping that consistent in my life is one of my core values.
What do you love about this type of fitness?
I love that we never really do the same thing twice. Everyday is different from the day before and it’s constantly varied and pushing me to new limits. I love the feeling of accomplishment after a super hard workout.
What words of advice do you have for new members or people considering joining Cróga?
JUST JOIN!!! Croga has been one of the single best things that has happened to me in the last 2.5 years. It’s more than just a workout, it’s a community of people who care about each other and seeing each other’s success in each individual fitness journey. There is no pressure to fit any mold or to be a certain way, although it may be intimidating at first I have found the community refreshing and something that I can’t live without!
Anything to add that we didn’t touch on yet?
Just want to express my thanks to the management team and for the other members of Croga that make is such a pleasurable place to be a part of!