I love including lots of fruits and veggies each day in my meals – it’s an easy way to make sure I hit my fiber goal and get lots of natural vitamins and minerals.
Most importantly though is the fact that I can be somewhat of a “volume” eater – I like to eat lots of food! 🙂 Fruits and veggies let me eat lots of volume and help me feel full, while still staying within my daily macros. And Coach Preston also shares, “My cravings are minimized when I feel fuller, hence my high veggie intake.”
Coach Cody & Coach Dave recommend we aim for 800 grams (or 8 cups) of fruits and veggies per day. Below is a typical day of eating for me to show how I get to that 800 gram goal.
How are y’all getting more fruits and veggies into your meals?
6:30 AM – Early Morning Snack with Coffee

9:00 AM – Breakfast

12:00 PM – Lunch

3:30 PM – Afternoon Pre-Workout Snack

7:00 PM – Dinner